Real Talk with Real Moms: An Interview with a Soon-to-Be Mom of Two

Real Talk with Real Moms: An Interview with a Soon-to-Be Mom of Two

Welcome to Real Talk with Real Moms

Welcome to Real Talk with Real Moms, a new series where we interview everyday moms about their journeys, challenges, and triumphs. In this edition, we sit down with Liza, an interior designer and mom to a lively 2-year-old girl, with another baby boy due soon. As she prepares for the arrival of her second child, Liza shares how she balances motherhood, finds moments of peace, and navigates the mental load with her partner. From her daily routines to the surprises of parenting, Liza offers candid insights into her life as a mom.

What are you most proud of? 

There were times in my life when I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to “handle” all that being a grownup entailed. I knew I wanted kids but doubted my ability to juggle it all and I was scared I’d be completely overwhelmed. I just arrived back home from the playground with my toddler and lab, 7 months pregnant and think- I’m doing it!

When do you feel most at peace?

After bath and bed, when everyone is snug in their beds and I can watch my dumb shows.

How do you share the mental load (or not) with your spouse (partner)?

For me, it’s all about setting expectations- whether that be for the day, the week, the weekend, etc. My husband and I have check-in conversations at night to go over what the next few days will look like. Any nights I’ll be solo parenting? Any mornings you won’t be able to do breakfast? Will I have a chance for some solo time this weekend? I like the know how much will be on my plate each day.

What do you value most in a caregiver?

This might sounds basic, but I want a caregiver to worry as much about my children’s safety as I do! Can you tell I run anxious?

What is your biggest concern raising kids today? Social media, by a landslide. I liked that when we were growing up we didn’t know what everyone was doing at all times. I’m worried about finding a balance between shielding kids from social media without alienating them from their peers.

Do you have a morning routine? If so, what is it? My husband gets our 2 year old up and makes her scrambled eggs every morning without fail while I get dressed. He’s very big on protein 🤣. Then I bring our daughter back upstairs and get her dressed and ready for the day.

How and when do you take time for yourself? On the weekends, my husband likes to do something with our daughter alone for a few hours- going on a hike, Costco trip, etc. I love being alone in my house during that time. My daughter is still a big napper (3 hours!) so I have a chunk of downtime to do my own thing pretty much every day. That will definitely change with a newborn on the way!

What do you dread? Postpartum- you never know how you’re going to feel or what challenges you will face.

What makes you a great mom? I think I do a pretty good job of being a calming presence. I don’t let my own anxieties or frustrations affect how I interact with my daughter. I like to think that I’m a safe space for her.

Do you have a hobby? If not, what do you want to take up?

Does stalking Facebook marketplace count? I also love playing tennis (i need to make more time for it!).

How do you make time for you and your spouse/partner? Build a roster of babysitters that you trust explicitly. It will change your life 😁

What do you believe is a universal truth when it comes to motherhood?

This too shall pass. I’ve considered getting this tattooed somewhere I can easily see it when I need reminding.

Most surprising part of motherhood / parenting you weren’t expecting?

How exciting it would be to watch someone’s little personality take shape! Oh, and how much my back would hurt.